Behind the Mask

  PHYSICAL STRENGTH WILL GET YOU TO THE START LINE, AND MENTAL STRENGTH WILL GET YOU TO THE FINISH LINE. Because of its competitive nature, the pressure athletes are under is immense. Physical fitness plays a big role in their performance, but what about their...

A bun in the oven

  A new baby on the way.  So exciting. What's the first thing you want to tell new parents to be or parents again.  Put a nice big story here or I can take some stuff from the podcasts.

Control Apps.

Which parental control apps do you use?  We can help you choose the best ones for your situation and needs.  


One of the most popular apps out there.  Over 265 million users a day!  Criminal activity happens by the hour.

Check out The Parenting Podcast 

Be a responsible parent!

You check their seatbelts every time they get into the car, check their phones too.  It’s your job.

Balance the heck out of tech……again.

As parents, our device behaviour determines our children’s device behaviour.